Alliances for local development

More than 250 programs and projects for local development throughout the country

Promote equitable development of the territories of Chile.


To be a foundation that promotes local development, through collaborative articulation processes in the territories.


Solidarity, collaboration, search for excellence and territorial justice.

Project portfolio
Public investment
thousand millions of pesos
a thousand people

The impact of our methodology

The model has generated a relevant impact since it has multiplied the donations received by the foundation 12 times.

Huella Local, a model for



How do we develop our projects?

Participatory development of investment initiatives

We want to reach the most isolated territories in the country.

Our partners



Other institutions

José Ignacio EscobarGeneral Manager of Colbún

The alliance has made it possible to address one of the great shortcomings that rural municipalities have, related to the small number of professionals they have to develop projects that are financed with public funds. This has made it possible for small communes to be able to allocate resources to finance projects prioritized by them and thus put the playing field on a par with larger municipalities.

Fabián PérezMayor of Constitución

Since we learned about Huella Local's work, we were very interested in approaching the foundation, because it is reliable, it already has work on the ground and they know its work methodology quite well. Communes like Constitución have been waiting for a long time to carry out a series of initiatives that make a lot of sense for the community.

Cristina PintoTreasurer of the Llaguepe Neighborhood Council

What made me most happy when they (from Huella Local) came to tell us what was going to be done at the headquarters was that they invited the entire community to participate, both to make the plans, to see how it was going to be done and what we wanted, that Take into consideration people's opinions, it is very important.

Let’s work together for the equitable development of the territories

Get to know some of the projects

North Zone Office:
14 de febrero 2065, of. 211, Antofagasta

Central Zone Office:
Puma 1180, Recoleta, Santiago

South Zone Offices:
Colo Colo 379, of. 1404, Concepción

South Austral Office:
Tocornal 100, Casa Gretel, Puerto Varas